Saturday, March 5, 2011

Cascade Haiga

Thanks to all who sent haiga based on pictures I’ve posted here.  I have not intentionally left any out.  Please let me know if I have.

My understanding of haiga: 
When a photograph leads an inquiring mind away from its literal content, and such thoughts become words in the haiku form, the poet is like a hiker leaving a trailhead.  The words do not just describe the picture, but lead the reader along a path, deeper into the woods.

fits like a glove
my new winter jacket
is green

this spring
I hope to sprout
a green thumb

Wet tree shivers above
Its chilly head becomes you
     Steven Radice

our skype call
new snow on the mountains
your loud free voice

I fall in love
with winter
my changed perspective

deep cobalt blue
in the firs, snow
branches reach skyward
     Susan Rogers 

jet trail
so white so sure
I watch it disappear



Two churches
for every bar
salvation abounds
     Lois P Jones 


Cold Toes, meet Warm Water.
Warm Water, meet Cold Toes.
Oh! You know each other?
     Steven Radice 


the fixed place
is perennial
yet life
will break again
somewhere else
     Kathabela  (This one is tanka)

1 comment:

  1. I don't believe I've actually come across haiga as expressive as this. Inspiring. Very inspiring.

    I especially liked...

    Cold Toes, meet Warm Water.
    Warm Water, meet Cold Toes.
    Oh! You know each other?
    - Steven Radice

