Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Smoky Mountains

My time in the Cascade Mountains is almost over.  Tomorrow morning I leave for home.  Fires burn on all sides; air smells of smoke, visibility less than a mile.  Each day I have found places to escape; now smoke seems everywhere.  I leave you with a few pictures and notes from the last few days. 

Lillian Falls, deep in the Waldo Lake Wilderness and seldom visited, its mossy sides clothed in green moss. 
an old log in green velvet
climbs up the middle
defying the roar
she follows at his waist
adopting his garb
would not be there otherwise   

Lone jeep on a forest road
far from help
she’s forgotten where
and when
but not the trees
the little bird
that didn’t fly away    

Not a fire, but a sunbeam
pinhole in foliage far behind
lights upon a rotting tree
guides to where she’s going
and tries to understand  

these smoky mountains
march away
each rank  less distinct
until the last is hazy memory  

I remember Marilyn Lake
winter six years ago 
when I was young
future shrouded in snow
colors under white
hard yet pliable
but not like this


  1. through blackened hills
    to the river of gold
    you leave

    we fly tomorrow let's meet
    at Scenic Drive

  2. yes, I'll be home Thursday, We'll climb the night ladder on Saturday.

  3. Between the smoke and the floods you found glimmers of beauty. Thank you for that. On the way back home you will live on lush memories.

    1. Thanks for following these woodsy missives, Alex. I hope to see you sometime, but the drive, I know, is hard

  4. Welcome home Sharon! You traveled the brilliant light of the sunbeam directing your path to the return of the heart of all who relish in your adventures and delight in your accounts as vicariously we brave the rugged world while safely sitting within the comfort of our personal sunbeams.

    1. So poetically said, Junnie! You may overstate my exploits, but you do it beautifully.
