Sunday, August 20, 2017

Smoky Sun Almost Gone

Driving north through California, enveloped in smoke from wildfires for a hundred miles of Interstate 5.  Fire fights back like a weak army against that great source of energy that grew the trees now burning.  In the morning a red sun rises, showing that destruction cannot win and trees will rise again.  

Clear skies returned in central Oregon as the road to Corvallis already hums with RV’s, trailers and cars loaded with camping gear, all heading north for Monday’s eclipse of the sun.  Unlike most of them, I head for a friendly house to stay a few days Michael and Michele, free from motels that triple their prices and campgrounds that charge $ swindle and profits from eclipse mania.    

I feel sorry for the poor succors, enduring all this for a two-minute blackening of the sun, scheduled for tomorrow morning.  We sat for a local band in the park, and after dark, wild music and cozy couples swayed at CoHo Ecovillage.  

Today we’ll attend a festival in honor of tomorrow’s celestial event.  And to our great appreciation for the keeper of natural events, the weather forecast is predicting a sunny sky.   


  1. Love to see your reunion with or dear Michael,and Michele...the dance of friendship with sure wild steps. We are here in Caprio the tiny village and feel the eclipse from here.

    The efforts of the wildfires along your way mirror those climbing the hills of Portugal where we will be soon.our host says the fires are moving up the mountains not down so they and we will be fine.

    we travel

    the pilgrim's path
    to the eclipse

    along the way
    the many homecomings
    the dance of friends

    1. You will make the best of fire, tornado, or whatever comes, because that’s good travel, the pilgrims path. If fire climbs up the mountain you are standing on, you will find another place to be, to have hosts, as I have here, and the journey goes on.

  2. Hey Michael!!! Hola amigo! Great to see you both. Looking forward to clear skies and black discs in the unsuspecting sky xx

    1. Yes, Lois, it is good to see them, and you too, with us.

  3. It's wonderful to see you with our friend Michael and so glad you get to enjoy the eclipse there with good friends. As always your photos are gorgeous. Thinking of you and how you continue to inspire us.

    1. Thanks Pauli, We are having a great time here in Corvallis with friends and new friends. The sun is just coming up on clear skies, with a good sunny forecast through the end of the eclipse. Life is good!

  4. Here I am, finally in a moment to find you on your journey.

    I smile at the glow of you in the photo with Michael and I can feel the undertow of love that joyfully plays with friendship and connection, unity and togetherness. And so the glow and flow of time eternal passes moon over sun and the next day comes with a new marvel, be it one that isn't universally shared, but exquisite nonetheless.

    Life as you know is sprinkled with such gems and you, dear Sharon call us into one after another and another and the intimate visit each can have through your writings is a privilege and a pleasure.

    In the photo of Michele and Michael, is he wearing a sunflower in his hat or is it behind him? Just wondering.
